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In the Fall of 1981, a 21-year old college student arrived in New York City to attend Columbia University. The student’s name: Barack Obama. In 2016, NetFlix released ‘Barry’, a film chronicling young Obama’s journey. One scene in ‘Barry’ shows the man who would later become the President of the United States debating a religious proselytizer on the street.

This man was a ‘Black Hebrew Israelite’.

The Black Hebrew Israelite movement began in 1969 and was headquartered at 1 West 125th St. in Harlem (near Obama’s apartment on West 109th between Amsterdam and Columbus).

Christian apologist and researcher VOCAB MALONE creatively uses this mini-debate as a launching pad to explore this militant and mysterious sect. The timing is just right, as this faith has been spreading like wildfire in most major city centers across the US. This book fills a void, as there are no major works on 1West Hebrew Israelism. Now a primer exists in ‘BARACK OBAMA vs the BLACK HEBREW ISRAELITES’ by Vocab Malone.

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